Mineral Support for Flu Season

Weather is getting cooler and everyone around you got sick!
GOOD NEWS IS: You can now do something about this✌🏻✌🏻.
Minerals (aka biochemical tissue salt, cell salt) are not drugs, have no side effects, and most of all, do not carry a nasty taste that scares your toddlers away. Just pop them in the mouth and they dissolve in seconds. Here's how to take:
It's safe and side-effect free. Even your toddlers can manage themselves. Just pop the tablets in the mouth and they dissolve in seconds. Here's how to take:
[Immune Support] Morning:No.3 No. 4 x 1 each (better than wearing a mask)
[First symptoms: sore throat] No. 3 No. 4 x 1 each. Take as needed, about 3-6 times a day until sore throats subsides.
[Runny nose, sneezes, nasal congestion, dry nose] No. 8. Take 1-2 tablets x 3-6 times a day or until symptoms subside.
[Second phase: fever, aches, flu symptoms] No. 3 No. 4 x 1 each. Take as frequent as 15-30 minute interval. No. 10 x 2. Take before bed.
[Cough] With phlegms and mucous:No. 6 . Take 1-2 tablets x 3-6 times a day Dry, impulsive:Dissolve No. 7 x 5 tablets into 100ml of hot water. Then slowly sip like hot tea so the minerals can be absorbed.
Keep up with No. 3 and 4 if there is infection of any kind.
*children under 3 years old: take half the dose (can break tablet into half) *seek medical consultation if symptoms persist or if fever lingers for over 3 days. * bacterial infection is still best treated by antibiotics but the best medicine for viral infection is water, rest, and a great immune system.