JLM Wellness
At JLM Wellness,
our mission is to empower families with safe and affordable choices to support their everyday health.
The "J" in JLM stands for Jason - our only child. As parents of a child with multiple disabilities, we are constantly searching for natural ways to upkeep our son's health without hurting his already fragile body.
We are so grateful to be introduced to Alex Sutton - Chairman of the Institute of Biochemic Medicine (Asia Pacific) in Australia and have first-hand experience with Mineral Therapy (aka tissue salts/cell salts/biochemic remedies) since 2008.

When our family returned to Hong Kong in 2011, we searched all over the city online and offline for some safe and natural home remedies but to no avail. What’s more disheartening is that we noticed a tendency of over-prescription of antibiotics and pharmaceutical drugs which have no obvious benefit but nasty side effects. Therefore, we decided to introduce Mineral Therapy to the families of Hong Kong.
Since 2012, we have organized numerous clinics and seminars on the topic of Mineral Therapy in collarboration with Alex Sutton. In September 2017, our online platform www.12minerals.com is officially launched to make Schuessler Tissue Salts more easily available for the growing number of families in Hong Kong who have heard about the goodness of mineral therapy.
Our products are imported from Australia and made in Germany according to the German Pharmacopeia. We are proud to say that our products are safe and side-effect free for users of all ages.
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